Thursday, December 30, 2010

iPad Apps for Trial Presentation

1/12/2011 Enhanced version is now posted:
1/10/2011 Two iPad Apps Make Their Cases for Trial Presentation: I will also post it here on 1/12/2011, with additional screenshots and info.
1/10/2011 LinkedIn Poll: iPad for Legal Professionals - Tool or Toy?
1/9/2011 Update: "Apples to Apples: 2 new iPad Apps for Trial Presentation" will be published by American Lawyer Media on 1/11/11. Enhanced version with additional info and screenshots will be published on this blawg on 1/12/11.
1/8/2011 Update: Final Draft of "Apples to Apples: 2 new iPad Apps for Trial Presentation" submitted to AmLaw.

I will be testing two new iPad Apps over the next few days – TrialPad, by LitSoftware LLC (, which sells for $89.99, and Evidence, by Rosen Litigation Technology Consulting, Inc., selling for $9.99 ( Both were released in late December, 2010. I will publish my review after the New Year – don’t want it to get swept under the rug with all of the celebrations... 

TrialPad Screenshot
Evidence Screenshot


They certainly don’t appear to have all of the features TrialDirector or other trial presentation programs have developed over the years, but there may be a place and purpose for them.

While I’m at it, I’ll also offer some insight on a couple of new Jury Selection and Observation apps – JuryTracker ( and iJuror ( – each selling for $9.99.



Until then, have a Happy and Safe New Year, and may we all enjoy a healthy and prosperous 2011!

If you are reading this, you might also be interested in joining the Trial Technology Group on LinkedIn!

Ted Brooks, President
Litigation-Tech LLC
"Enhancing the Art of Communication"
213-798-6608 Los Angeles
415-291-9900 San Francisco
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  1. Looking forward to your review's Ted. I agree that I'd be more than shocked if these provided much functionality and to that point, I wonder who the target market is for these apps.

    Have a Happy New Year!


  2. It will be interesting to read your report. Wondering if they tend more toward the LiveNote type product or the presentation side?

    Is there a good realtime client available yet for the IPad that you've found?

  3. I've completed testing of both apps now, and both work pretty well, albeit with some strict limitations. I'm guessing the target market would be the tech-savvy attorney or trial consultant who doesn't mind being on the cutting edge - or the risk of getting cut by it.

    Both products are basic file management and trial presentation iPad apps - leaning more toward something like TrialDirector than LiveNote or Summation.

    The review should be published soon. Thanks for following!


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