Friday, January 14, 2011

AB 2284, The Expedited Civil Jury Trials Act

While I was working on a different article, reviewing Jury Selection iPad apps, I was reminded of this new law, which will likely increase the number of jury trials in California. Similar legislation is being considered in other states.

Also see: How to Prepare for Shortened Litigation: Mediation, Settlement Conferences, and Expedited Trials

AB 2284, the Expedited Civil Jury Trials Act (click link for PDF), which was signed into law by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger on September 30, 2010, provides for the option of an abbreviated civil jury trial, with only eight or fewer jurors, and no alternates.

Here is an interesting quote from the Legislative Counsel’s Digest:
“The bill would establish procedures for conducting expedited jury trials in civil cases where the parties sign a consent order to stipulate that those procedures apply, including provisions for a jury of 8 or fewer members, with no alternates, a limit of 3 peremptory challenges for each side, and a limit of 3 hours for each side to present its case.”

So do you really think you’re going to try your expedited case without the added efficiency of technology? You won’t have time to look in the file for that exhibit, or to cue up that depo DVD. You’d better have it all ready to go in a trial presentation database, and you'll probably want to have someone there to run it for you, who really knows what they’re doing. (for additional info, also see ADR and the Art of High-Speed Trial)
If you have a case that may fit this profile, let me know - we have the experience necessary to help in matters such as this, and can offer some special rates.

Also see: How to Prepare for Shortened Litigation: Mediation, Settlement Conferences, and Expedited Trials

Ted Brooks, President
Litigation-Tech LLC
"Enhancing the Art of Communication"
213-798-6608 Los Angeles
415-291-9900 San Francisco
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1 comment:

  1. Interesting provision. I'm having difficulty envisioning situations where both parties would want consent to this *after* a dispute has arisen.


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