Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Exhibit A iPad App for Trial Presentation Version 1.3 Released

Although it didn't appear in my iPad or computer iTunes App Store Updates list, once I launched Exhibit A, I was prompted to go to the App Store for an update to version 1.3.0, released (today) on 6/15/2011. It is a free update to the $9.99 app.

I will say that this version is a very significant update, and although I'll list the update features below, I can tell you that the callout and highlighter work like trial presentation software now, as opposed to just an area focus, like an ELMO.

Although you're limited to one exhibit with one callout, this can now actually be put to work in smaller matters. It would also work well for presentations, using PDF or another supported format. Supported file types are PDF, images (jpeg, png, etc.) and video. PowerPoint is no longer listed as a supported file type.

My original review:

The developer's site:

The iTunes link:

From the iTunes Update Feature Listing:

What's New in Version 1.3.0

Introducing New Features!

The most advance, easy to use presentation app is now even better!

(Access by selecting “Tools” from the exhibit display screen)

Create call-outs on the fly to emphasize areas of an image, or focus on items in a document. Simply select the Magnifying Glass from the Tools menu and drag your finger over the desired area of the exhibit. The exhibit dims and a bright box containing the designated area of the exhibit is displayed in magnified form. Dismiss a call-out with a touch and select another, quickly creating multiple call-outs.

(Access by selecting “Tools” from the exhibit display screen)

Need to quickly highlight a large section of the exhibit? Simply select the Quick Highlighter from the Tools menu and create a highlight block by dragging your finger over the desired area of the exhibit. This new tool nicely complements the existing highlighter pen, which allows you to freehand draw highlights.

(Access by selecting “Tools” from the exhibit display screen)

Quickly block out sections of your exhibit. Simply select the Redaction Marker from the Tools menu and drag your finger over the desired area of the exhibit. Default redaction color is white, but you can select any of the five colors available in the color palette.

(Access by holding a touch on an exhibit thumbnail)

You can currently email exhibits up to 10MB in size. Now, we are adding the ability to:
(1) Send exhibits to your Dropbox account, for seamless sharing of exhibits with your colleagues, team members or others; and
(2) Save photo and video exhibits to your Photos library, enabling you to send them for editing with iMovie or other apps. Edited photos and movies can be reimported to Exhibit A from your Photos library.

(Access by selecting “File View” from the exhibit thumbnail screen)

Delete or move multiple exhibits, or entire Folders and Subfolders of exhibits at a time. You can move between Folders and Subfolders, or between separate Projects. This feature greatly improves your ability to manage your files and projects from within Exhibit A.


We have made several changes to enhance the way you interact with your Projects.

The “My Projects” screen now graphically displays when Projects are empty, and shows projects to the left and right of your current selection for easier navigation.
The Toolbar on the exhibit display screen is now easier to see against the background of the exhibit.
The “File View” has been redone for easier navigation.

If you already have Exhibit A, get the update! If you don't, for $9.99 it's worth a look.

1 comment:

  1. I'm eagerly awaiting an app that will allow me to view realtime reporting on my iPad.


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